A bit psychedelic, a bit erotic city action in Katowice. On the first day of the Spring 2009 euphoric group of rabbits appeared in the city center. Liberated and joyful, spontaneous and in ecstasy.
They were handing out carrots with the slogans: 'More sex', 'Sip spring', 'Worship Eros'. And it's all about the Eros! It's too much of romantic cult of suffering in our culture, too much martyrology and energy of Thanatos. Not enough love, not enough simple joy. Residents of Katowice city accepted Rabbits with a smile. Only a child shouted: "Perverts!". But the kid was probably right.
Concept: Joanna John i Małgorzata Borowska
Photo documentation: Magda Makar
Film documentation: Leksoo
Music: Jefferson Airplane, Column One, Mouse on Mars