Using my own body and the technique of sigilization developed by Austin Osman Spare, I created my own graphic sign, which is a simplified phonetic record of the intention for my internal change. Sigil is a symbol created for a specific magical purpose. The term comes from the Latin sigillum, which means "a seal". The sign was then tattooed by David RudziĆski using the dotwork method.
The theory of sigils is based on the assumption that if some deeply rooted in the subconscious facts can influence our actions, we can use this fact in the opposite way as well. It is enough to introduce a symbol to the subconscious, giving it some meaning beforehand. Then, forget the meaning of this sigil, and: either remind its image from time to time or destroy it. In this way, we influence our subconscious. Placing the sign in a prominent place on my back, I can not see it myself, but its action is strengthened every time someone's eyes look at it.